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IUOE Local 57-Rhode Island
The International Union of Operating Engineers represents over 400,000 working men and women throughout the United States and Canada. Local 57 is a hoisting and local portable local union of the International Union of Operating Engineers, which represents over 1,000 heavy equipment operators and mechanics in the Rhode Island area.
First chartered in 1901, Local 57's members have been employed on every major project over the last century. Local 57's members enjoy first rate wages and benefits. Our commitment to professionalism and productivity is second to none.
Executive Board
James J. White, Business Manager & President
Ryan J. White, Vice President & Auditor
John Grissom, Recording Corresponding Secretary & Trustee
Walter Clark, Financial Secretary & Trustee
Stephen Berube, Treasurer & Auditor
Richard Petrella, Conductor & Trustee
Kyle Armstrong, Guard
Brandon Lee, Auditor
Staff & Administration
James J. White, Business Manager, IUOE General Vice President
Ryan White, Assistant Business Manager
Stephen Berube, Business Agent
Dennis McSweeney, Organizer
Jackolyn Torres, Administrative Assistant